Fun and Games

Story Stumper 3: Percy Jackson

Written by JGo Gordon | February 20, 2023

1. What building in New York City houses Mt. Olympus?

Empire State Building


2. What is the name of Percy's summer camp?

Camp Half Blood


3. What does Mr. D drink instead of wine?

Diet Coke


4. How old is Percy when we first meet him?



5. What non-magical item does Percy's sword turn into?

A pen


6. What is the name of Percy's favorite Pegasus?



7. Who cuts open stuffed animals to read omens?



8. What kind of nymph is Juniper?

Wood numph


9. Every child of Athena is afraid of what creature?



10. What is Coach Hedge's first name?



***Looking for a faster paced version of this Story Stumper? Check it out on TikTok!***